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Module: Review Strategies

Significant-based Selection Strategy. More...

#include <ReviewStrategy.h>

Inherits from ReviewStrategy

Public Classes

struct Parameters

Public Functions

SignificantSelection(const Parameters & p)
bool review(const std::vector< Submission > & s) override
bool review(const Experiment & expr) override

Public Attributes

Parameters params

Detailed Description

class sam::SignificantSelection;

Significant-based Selection Strategy.

        Significant-based review strategy accepts a publication if the
        given *p*-value is significant. Certain degree of *publication
        bias*, can be specified. In this case, a Submission has a chance
        of being published even if the statistics is not significant.
        Moreover, the SignificantSelection can be tailored toward either
        positive or negative effect. In this case, the Journal will only
        accept Submissions with larger or smaller effects.

Public Functions Documentation

function SignificantSelection

inline explicit SignificantSelection(
    const Parameters & p

function review

bool review(
    const std::vector< Submission > & s
) override


Return: a boolean indicating whether the Submission is accepted.

Check if the p-value of any of the Submissions are less than the specified \alpha. If true, it will accept the submission, if not, a random number decide whether or not the submission is going to be accepted. The drawn random number, r will be compared to pub_bias_rate of the journal.

function review

inline bool review(
    const Experiment & expr
) override

Public Attributes Documentation

variable params

Parameters params;

Updated on 29 June 2021 at 16:13:48 CEST

Last update: 2021-09-18