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Module: Review Strategies

Policy-based Selection Strategy. More...

#include <ReviewStrategy.h>

Inherits from ReviewStrategy

Public Classes

struct Parameters
Parameters of the Policy-based Selection.

Public Functions

PolicyBasedSelection(Parameters & p)
bool review(const std::vector< Submission > & s) override
bool review(const Experiment & expr) override

Public Attributes

Parameters params
PolicyChain selection_policy

Detailed Description

class sam::PolicyBasedSelection;

Policy-based Selection Strategy.

Note: This is a very flexible method, and it can technically be used to setup wide variety of review strategies, including traditional publication biased journal.

        Policy-based review strategy accepts a submission if any of the
        submissions pass all the criteria specified by the
        `selection_policy_defs`. In addition to the output of selection
        policy, a submission might get rejected based on journal's
        acceptance rate, and publication bias rate.

Public Functions Documentation

function PolicyBasedSelection

inline explicit PolicyBasedSelection(
    Parameters & p

function review

bool review(
    const std::vector< Submission > & s
) override

Reviews the list of submissions based on the user-defined policy

Check whether at least one of the submissions passes all criteria of the selection_policy, if so, a random number decides whether the publication bias will affect the decision. If not, a random draw from U(0, 1) decides whether the acceptance rate affects the decision, and if not, submissions will be accepted.

Checks selection policy returns anything TodoI don't really like the const_cast here, maybe I need to find a way to remove it!

function review

inline bool review(
    const Experiment & expr
) override

Public Attributes Documentation

variable params

Parameters params;

variable selection_policy

PolicyChain selection_policy;

Updated on 29 June 2021 at 16:13:48 CEST

Last update: 2021-09-18